Alberta Figure Skating Foundation


The AGM is a crucial event that brings together members, skaters, coaches, and officials to review the year’s achievements, discuss future plans, and make key decisions for our organization. 


The AGM is an opportunity to engage with the foundation’s leadership, stay informed about our initiatives, and participate in shaping the future of our skating community. Join us at the AGM to contribute your voice and support our continued growth and success.

When is the AGM?

Annual General Meetings of the Alberta Figure Skating Foundation are typically held in July. 

Notice of upcoming AGMs will be emailed to all current members and posted here.

Become a Member

Join Today

Join the Alberta Figure Skating Foundation for exclusive benefits, including discounted rates at clinics, access to sponsorships, summer skating assistance, reduced fees for the Junior Development Team, and eligibility for the Wildrose Competition and Triple/Quadruple Achievement Awards.

Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st.

To qualify for certain benefits, continuous membership may be required.

Contact Membership or Awards for more information.


$ 65 annually
  • 2 or more skaters
  • Discounted rates at AFSF clinics
  • Access to AFSF sponsorships
  • Access to AFSF clinics
  • Summer Assistance Opportunity
  • Discounted Jr. Development Team Fee
  • Access to Wildrose Awards
  • Access to Triple/Quad Gold Awards
best value


$ 40 Annually
  • One Skater, Official, Supporter
  • Discounted rates at AFSF clinics
  • Access to sponsorships
  • Access to clinics
  • Summer Assistance Opportunity
  • Discounted Jr. Development Team fee
  • Access to WildRose Awards
  • Access to Triple/Quad Gold Awards


$ 100 annually
  • For Skating Clubs
  • Discounted rates at AFSF clinics
  • Eligibility to host AFSF seminars
  • Eligibility to receive funding for club hosted seminars
  • Opportunity to host raffle table at Wildrose Competition
  • Opportunity to fundraise through AFSF casinos and bingos, converting funds into ice credits to support skaters.