Alberta Figure Skating Foundation


Our mission is to support and enhance the figure skating community by providing financial assistance, development opportunities, and recognition for skaters. Becoming a member of the AFSF opens doors to exclusive benefits that can help your child thrive in their skating journey.

Why Become a Member?

Joining the Alberta Figure Skating Foundation offers numerous benefits for skaters, including:

Membership Details

Join Today!

Membership Packges


$ 65 annually
  • 2 or more skaters
  • Discounted rates at AFSF clinics
  • Access to AFSF sponsorships
  • Access to AFSF clinics
  • Summer Assistance Opportunity
  • Discounted Jr. Development Team Fee
  • Access to Wildrose Awards
  • Access to Triple/Quad Gold Awards
best value


$ 40 Annually
  • One Skater, Official, Supporter
  • Discounted rates at AFSF clinics
  • Access to sponsorships
  • Access to clinics
  • Summer Assistance Opportunity
  • Discounted Jr. Development Team fee
  • Access to WildRose Awards
  • Access to Triple/Quad Gold Awards


$ 100 annually
  • For Skating Clubs
  • Discounted rates at AFSF clinics
  • Eligibility to host AFSF seminars
  • Eligibility to receive funding for club hosted seminars
  • Opportunity to host raffle table at Wildrose Competition
  • Opportunity to fundraise through AFSF casinos and bingos, converting funds into ice credits to support skaters.