Frequently Asked Questions
Here, you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our programs, memberships, and events.
No, Skate Canada and the Alberta Figure Skating Foundation are completely separate entities. Although we sponsor certain Skate AB-NT-NU events (STARSkate Championships and Sectionals) we operate as an independent organization. By sponsoring these events, we support Alberta skaters by subsidizing ice costs which in turn maintains affordable registration fees for families.
Registration runs from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
You can register online here.
You must be a member of the Alberta Figure Skating Foundation and you must apply for it using the form from our website. Please ensure you are using a CURRENT form found here.
Yes, you must be a member the year before you apply and have a current membership in the year applying for the award.
For example: If you are applying for Triple Quad/Gold Awards in 2024, you must have been a member in 2023 AND you have to renew your membership after January 1, 2024 in order to qualify. You have 4 years to apply and must do so using the most current form found on our website here.
Yes, you must be a member the year before you apply and have a current membership in the year applying for the award.
For example: If you are applying for summer assistance for 2024 (application deadline is April 15, 2024), you must have been a member in 2023, AND you have to renew your membership after January 1, 2024 in order to receive the summer assistance. Please ensure you are using the most current form. Forms can be found here.
No! The Wild Rose Invitational Competition is an event that is planned and executed by the Foundation. We also provide the volunteers to run the event. The Wild Rose Invitational is sanctioned by Skate AB-NT-NU
The Alberta Figure Skating Foundation holds several bingos each year as well as a casino every 4 years. Contact us for more information regarding volunteering opportunities for our bingos and casinos.
Become a Member
Join Today
Join the Alberta Figure Skating Foundation for exclusive benefits, including discounted rates at clinics, access to sponsorships, summer skating assistance, reduced fees for the Junior Development Team, and eligibility for the Wildrose Competition and Triple/Quadruple Achievement Awards.
Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st.
To qualify for certain benefits, continuous membership may be required.
Contact Membership or Awards for more information.
2 or more skaters
Discounted rates at AFSF clinics
Access to AFSF sponsorships
Access to AFSF clinics
Summer Assistance Opportunity
Discounted Jr. Development Team Fee
Access to Wildrose Awards
Access to Triple/Quad Gold Awards
One Skater, Official, Supporter
Discounted rates at AFSF clinics
Access to sponsorships
Access to clinics
Summer Assistance Opportunity
Discounted Jr. Development Team fee
Access to WildRose Awards
Access to Triple/Quad Gold Awards
For Skating Clubs
Discounted rates at AFSF clinics
Eligibility to host AFSF seminars
Eligibility to receive funding for club hosted seminars
Opportunity to host raffle table at Wildrose Competition
Opportunity to fundraise through AFSF casinos and bingos, converting funds into ice credits to support skaters.